Sunday, 23 February 2014

Well,  you could say these were the days of testing.   A meeting on each day:  first the Academic Planning Committee on Sunday and then the Local Planning Team on Monday, both in the Bat Kol Office, both needing refreshments, etc.,  plus Sunday would be partly a Skype meeting with the Chair of the Board in Canada.   No pressure then ....... but just for the final test - Saturday and Sunday it rained, making shopping  without a car and without a Tesco/Asda more difficult.  Finally, all went well although I missed church on Sunday as it would have been too much pressure to fit everything in. 

We had two very good meetings with exciting plans in place ...... but, as I know so well already from my previous work, it all  comes down to money!  Difficulties to be addressed. 

However, having got to the end of the meetings, I was quite tired - I'm  not used to taking minutes now and these were outside of my normal domain but on Monday evening there was a lecture at the Van Lear Institute with the Bishop of the Lutheran Church speaking about the Palestinian Israeli Situation, and Debbit Weismann, President of the International Council of Christians and Jews responding.  It5 started at 6.30 pm so would not be a late night: I hit a wall around 5.30 - spirit willing, flesh weak.  I was back at the Ratisbonne Centre - should I stay here or should I strike out to walk to the Van Lear.   Yes, you've guessed: this was a one off so it had to be done and so off I went.  One wrong turning made me ten minutes late, but others arrived later so I didn't feel too bad about it!   The Bishop spoke from the heart, particularly as a Palestinian whose grandfather's home was now occupied by someone who would not even let him and his father look inside when they visited, telling him that the home was theirs now given them by the government.  He spoke of the grassroots need for education to address relationships, to teach children to accept and love others and lots more about mutual respect and understanding.  Ignoring the other person/faith/culture can be taken as incitement, disrespectful, marginalising. All are created in the image of God, and worthy of respect.  The Bishop apologised for Martin Luther's anti-semitism.  The message this evening was to combat all religious persecution and seek a non-vioent resolution which would lead to peace.  It would be necessary to work for peace based on justice.  2014 must be the year of peace.  Jerusalem is the Holy City for the three Abrahamic faiths and there must be free access for all.  The Bishop's belief  is that 'peace at gunpoint' is no peace at all. and that peace in the Middle East will start in Jerusalem.

Debbie Weisman, Orthodox Jew and President of ICCJ responded saying that as long as we believe in a living God we must have hope  She did not share the Bishop's optimism about education.  Dhe believes we are all engaged in the 'suffering sweepstake' - who suffers most?  Debbie feels Israel is being demonised and that this is not a lot different from demonisation of the Jews.  At present, countries in Europe are trhing to ban circumsision - a rite important to Jews and Muslims. Also ritual killing of animals which Debbie saw as putting animal rights over the faith rights of Jews and Muslims.  Surely, we should see the face of God in people, not in animals.  The way forward is to open up new ideas and new ways.  Debbie called for the Lutheran church to partner against anti-semitism and Islamophobia.

On a personal note, I found it encouraging that out of an attendance of around 50/60 people, I knew two and was able to chat for a moment afterwards.   Both were Sisters of Sion, one from Ecce Homo and the other living outside of community near the Van Lear.   Just a small sign of progress but a good one when I've started here with almost a blank sheet and really do need to make my way and build relationships.

My day for producing the Minutes of our two meetings, but just as I got into them, Natalie, my predecessor came to the office in urgent need of computer time to complete some important business, so I kicked my heels for quite a while, went to check our post box at the Post Office and to post a letter only to find the post box empty and the post office closed!

A good day, with women's Bible study group at Christ Church in the morning, then to the office to finish the minutes, followed by an ordination to the priesthood at St George's Cathedral, Owen the Deacon at Christ Church was to be priested. 

There were fourteen of us at Bible Study and one of the people was young woman who is volunteering at Christ Church and who is from Bath - two of us from Bath & Wells in the same Bible study group in Jerusalem!  After the group I made my way down to the office:  it was a lovely day so I decided to walk thinking I knew a shortcut.   No, I think it was more like a longcut but I got there eventually and worked from 1.30 until 4.00 thinking an hour was plenty of time to get to the cathedral which is the far side of the Old City.   Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!   Waiting 20 minutes without any sign of the right bus I finally gave up and went for the taxi option, not easy as I didn't have enough cash and the taxi driver didn't take cards.   He was very helpful, taking me to a cash point, ducking round the traffic, and for about £10 (ouch) I was there in plenty of time.   There were very few people when I arrive but  even then I found that I knew one person.   Eventually the cathedral filled up.   I was given an order of service in English, but mostly everything was in Arabic, including the readings, and chapter and verse were not given for these in the order of service.   The first hymn  we sung as a processional was 'All hail the power of Jesus' name' in Arabic to a tune totally unknown to me.   Not the best start.

Most of the service was in Arabic, including the Liturgy of Ordination, but it was printed in full on my English order of service.  As I read thesse words, I must say I was challenged as to why I am here and why I have laid aside that great commitment, but I know without doubt that I am here in response to a 'calling' and await the further development of that calling.

As the service started and the choir of quite young children processed, I suddenly spotted with them another woman priest from Bath & Wells - two people from the diocese in one day.  I tried to find her after the service at the reception/refreshments but couldn't do so.   Then I met Linda who is volunteering at Christ Church, and she told me that she spoke in a church in WSM last year about the work of CMJ. 


Day in the office, finishing the minutes, and preparing for a finance meeting tomorrow with Sr Philomena, Chair of the Finance Board.


Good input today with two Shabbat Shalom emails - one from Anne in Ireland and the second from Jacky at St Peter's.   These are my two most important emails of the week.   They both keep me together with the communities I belong to:  Jacky's with my parish, and Anne's with my dear Class of 2013 friends.   Long may the messages continue.

Today I couldn't go to Torah Study because of needing time for  final preparation for the Finance meeting.  After lunch I was  going  to Ein Kerem, a Sion community just outside Jerusalam,  with Maureena and Natalie to meet with Sr Philomena who  is going to work out a budget for July, with less students, and to work out whether sufficient funds are available and if not, where the extra funding will come from ...... all seems a bit like ChA+ to me but on a bigger scale!  No one works to find any  money in!!!!!!!!!!!  Please pray for both Bat Kol and ChA+ as we each seek funding in order to stay afloat.  Also consider how you might be able to support one or both in their difficult financial situations.

Then the time of Shabbat, worship at the synagogue followed by erev shabbat meal.  The synagogue, Kol HaNeshama, was full again with visitors from various countries,  and tonight they were giving cds of their worship music to visitors - this is great to have as I love the music and can now learn it properly so I can join in better. Kol HaNeshama  is an active and vibrant centre for Progressive Judaism  in Jerusalem, and very welcoming.


Much as I could have wrapped myself in the Shabbat peace at Ratisbonne, I had made a plan for the day, and how amazing that turned out.   First stop was Christ Church for the Messianic service which I had been told started at 10 a.m -  wrong 10.30 a.m. and a bit!  Then it continued until 13.15, not too bad I suppose with a 1 hour sermon on the Beatitutdes followed by an altar call!  The church was full, the worship music beautiful, the prayers powerful, but the sermon - not sure! 

Afterwards I went to the Coffee Shop for cake and coffee before my trip to the Wailing Wall.  I had during the past week quite a few prayer requests from the UK and knowing that one person particularly had Jewish connections, I was asked to go to the Wall and pray for her there and of course put the document in the crevice.   This I did.and what a time it was.  Many  women of all ages were there,  schoolgirls and young women alone or with friends, young mothers with their children - some teaching really small children how to behave  incluidng how to walk backwards from the wall, then older women and very old ones.  There were very few men on their side. The air was thick with spirituality - the Jews believe that the Divine Presence, the Shekinah, dwells at this place of this remainiing Temple Wall - I believe the Divine Presence dwells at all times and in all places in His creation - but there can be no doubt the area of the Wall is very special.   I had written all my prayer requests on a small piece of paper before coming but it was quite difficult because of numbers to get close enough to touch the wall and find a crevice to place the paper.   However, I managed, and it was a very special moment.  I then sat a bit back from the wall for probably at least half an hour, praying and watching .

Entrances to holiness are everywhere.
The possibility of ascent is all the time,
even at unlikely times and through unlikeky places.
There is no place on earth without the Presence
Mishkan T'filah, A Reform Siddur page 145

Next stop for me was the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.   Too many people and too ornate for me, but I got mixed up with a group who were making a candlelit pilgrimage around the church, led by a number of priests/brothers so before I knew quite what was happening I was given a service book and a candle, and realised I also was part of this.   The book was in four languaes incluidng Latin, but it was difficult for me to follow even the Latin,   Anyway it was a beautiful experience which lasted about an hour and ended in a side chapel where the Reserve Sacrament was removed from the tabernacle but no mass took place.  All quite amazing.   Then the long walk back to Ratisbonne (still Shabbat and so no buses).  My intewntion was to pick up some pizza from the little shop along the way back, but I was too early and they were not open, so supper was a sardine salad - not as good as pizza!


Today my plan was to attend Christ Church Communion, have lunch in the Coffee Shop, then come back home, and finally perhaps go to King of Kings at Clal Centre at 5 p.m.   I almost didn't get to Christ Church as my time was wrong on my mobile phone which doubles as the alarm clock.  However, with a rush and no breakfrast I managed to get there with a little time to spare and how glad I was that I did.  As I went in David, the Rector, asked me if I would administer a chalice - wow! that was as good as the first time I was asked if I would like to be a chalice assistant at St Peter's.  The church was packed with a variety of nationalities, and I had the same feeling as I get at Christmas Midnight Mass - this was such a special time for many of the people who received the sacrament - how would God touch each of them at this particular service?  An awesome privilege, and an affirmation for me especially following the wobbly I had been experiencing since Owen's ordination.  It was a beautiful service with David preaching on Lev. 19:1-19 and Matt. 5:38-48 - the road to holiness, discipleship, service - we are called to strive  be holy and the way is to imitate Christ as he imitated the Father, so we are to learn of his life, follow his teaching and become true disciples.

After the service the coffee queue in the courtyard was huge, it seemed that almost everyone stayed.  One of the visitors was a Bishop from Ghana with his wife.  They had been in Israel for nine days, funded by their link parish in the UK, and today was their last day before returning home.  I spoke to them afterwards and his wife, Carole, told me of their worship being 3 or 4 hours long with drums and other instruments, and dance but she said it never seemed to be that long.   That's how it is at
Christ Church  where it it always  hours - it just doesn't seem that long!  How can we ever time worship?  But we do! and I believe we shouldn't!

Then it was off to the cafe with a few of the congregation for a 'proper' lunch - cottage pie, potatoes, a selection of vegetables, and of course salad.   This is one of probably only two 'proper' meals a week - it's difficult to be very creative with four gas burners and a microwave!  I do miss my George Foreman.    After lunch the others left and I stayed in the coffee shop for a cappucino and to check my emails.  Just as I was about to leave I got into conversation with some American women who had been at the service, and as we talked I was amazed to bump into the woman from Bath and Wells who  I had seen at the cathedral on Wednesday and then couldn't track down after the service.   Her name is Caroline and she is chaplain at a school in Bath and also is at St Stephens, Bath.  So there we were,  the B & W contingent in Jerusalem:  Sheri the young volunteer at Christ Church, Caroline and myself!

By then  I decided that was enough for one day and returned to Ratisbonne to watch the King of Kings  service at the Clal Centre on the internet - not good though as it was rather jumpy. 

What a wonderful week, and what a good start to the next week.  I thank God that I have the privilege of being here, for all that is happening and for each person who has helped to make it happen - all of us  part of God's amazing plan! 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Another long time without an update, due to laptop problems but what a time of discovery, amazing peace, and some revelation. 

MONDAY, 3re  Start of the week and I went to the postbox to collect Bat Kol post.  Imagine my surprise to find an envelope addressed to me, without looking too carefully I put it in my bag, thinking it was from  a friend in the UK and looking forward to opening it at the office.  Even bigger surprise when I did:  it was from a woman in Australia who has twice studied on the Bat Kol Program, and who was sending me a message of thanks for my being there, words of encouragement, and a donation of the work of Bat Kol!  Wow, what a start to the week.  As the week continued things were good.


WEDNESDAY, 5th I attended the Women’s Bible Study at Christ Church Rectory for the first time.  It’s led by Carol, wife of David, the Pastor, and we were a group of twelve, some resident Israelis and others from America, Canada,Germany,  UK, dropping in and out  like I am.   We are studying a book by Andrew Murray called New Life edited by Carol to make it more usable for people for whom English is not their first language.   and then to the big moments – eve of Sabbath, Sabbath meal and the day itself – Shabbat.


FRIDAY, 7th  starts with Torah study at the synagogue, then most of the rest of the day is preparation for Sabbath.  and then to synagogue,  How I  wish I could record the synagogue worship to welcome the Sabbath on Friday evening, and the spirituality and joy of the Erev Shabbat meal after synagogue.  Table fellowship in which whole families share  and at which Sabbath candles glow,  wine and bread are blessed, reflections on the Parashat (the Torah portion for the week) are shared and  songs are sung.  In this combination of light, wine, bread, music, Torah and fellowship,   our Christian eucharistic worship becomes home worship in the Sabbath meal.   An amazing time.

Then Shabbat itself:

SATURDAY, 8th  The Sabbath peace, the silence. Oh, how I wish I could bottle it  and send it to you - it is phenomenal!    As I sat in my room, I was enveloped in a blanket of  divine  stillness which is  tangible, apart from the occasional birdsong everything was so still and so beautiful. There was a great temptation to remain there in the silence of my room, . but I felt the sunshine was for enjoying  and maybe this was a good day to visit the Old City again.  There’s not been much time for this :   the days speed  by as  during the week  I go down to the office Monday - Thursday for part of the day, Wedneday morning is Women's Bible Study Group at Christ Church and then Friday morning is Torah Study Group at the synagogue and the rest of the day is spent preparing for Shabbat.   So when Saturday was  really bright, but fairly cold it seemed it would be good to be out and about.. Decisions, decisions.

I set off and when I reached Jaffa gate, it was time for coffee and cake in the Christ Church Coffee shop.  I spent quite a while there – it was  quite busy with mainly foreign tourists.  Tthen in came a man I had seen just along the street a bit earlier.   He looked homeless,  he was dirty, he looked old and he had a problem with one of his feet.  In the street, he had been sitting on the ground, one shoe and sock off perhaps waiting for his foot to be healed.   He had nothing  in the Coffee Shop but just sat in a leather armchair in the corner, and no one took any notice of him, they were all busy with their own needs, their own group , no time for the stranger,  neither the dirty old man or any other stranger.  Just like him, I sat alone, were we invisible?   What made us invisible – it would have been so easy to say it was his dirty eccentricity but I don’t think it was that – I wasn’t dirty, didn’t look particularly eccentric, but we were both ignored.  Anyway, it was a time for reflection and then a time of decision to send him a cup of coffee just to let him know that someone noticed him.  Perhaps it would have been better  to give him the two shekels than a cup of cappuccino, but again perhaps not.   The result of my reflection?   Look out for the invisible people in your day and decide what makes them so and what you can do to make a difference to their day – it might not require you  to buying them coffee – a smile or a nod might be just as effective or even more so.

My plan for the day then was to make a pilgrimage up the Via Dolorosa – but spirit willing and flesh weak!   The old city was very busy and as I looked up the first  steep narrow street, thronging with people and with traders each side,  all wanting to sell something (or everything), I decided it was not for me on this partcular day.   I took the easy option and sat in the square just inside Jaffa Gate, people-watching and how fascinating that was!    Groups of various denominations of Judaism  identified  by clothing, hat, hair, prayer tassles and so on, each outstandingly  declaring their faith and mingling in their city with many nationalities.  What a delight.   Then it was time for the longish walk back, and imagine how good it felt to meet someone I actually knew – Deborah from Christ Church - who was with two friends, and I could walk with them for a while.  When I left them I found a short cut through the park – this is really feeling  like being a local now!

SUNDAY, 9th I went to Christ Church again, and was quite early so had time to listen of the music practice.  A few minutes before the start of the service David asked me if I would read the Old Testament lesson.  It was Isaiah 58:1-12 and how ChA+ it was!  Look it up and you’ll see what I mean!   If you’re a member of the ChA+ team I’m sure it will touch your heart and fire you up yet again for the great mission God has given each of us.      Right in the front was the young volunteer from the coffee shop  who was ‘go between’ to  deliver my offering of coffee to the old man the day before … 

The church was full, but at coffee afterwards one lady told me that the regular congregation is only about 30 so all the others are visitors.  I met several different people again at coffee  and joined a few other women for lunch.  Then afterwards  I was again the lonely person in the coffee shop!   It was my choice  and part of my social experiment -  I could have started a conversation with someone …. but someone could have started a conversation with me also.   Keep on looking out for the invisible people wherever you are!

MONDAY.10th  Sad news this week of the death of ‘little Sandra’ longterm member of St Peter’s – it’s times like this when I feel  far away, also later in the week hearing of the collapse and hospitilisation of Andrew Williams of the Life shop in WSM.  So lots of prayers there and of course for  all I know and love.  

But there are many good happenings – Jacky (St Ps) and Anne (class of 2013) who regularly send uplifting Shabbat Shalom messages which are eagerly awaited, a letter from Betty, things which are really important and helpful as 'boosters'.   Wonderfully helpful also, a long Skype with Ruth and Jeremy, finishing about midnight Israeli time, as Jeremy made great efforts to rectify my laptop faults by remote access – praise the Lord for clever son and patient daughter-in-law. That I’m writing this is a tribute to Jeremy’s achievement!   Hope Rebekah’s better now and that her RE exam went well.

TUESDAY, 11th   Great day!   Belated birthday party for one of the Ecce Homo sisters:  first a visit to the cinema to watch ’12 years a slave’, a horrific, painful true story  which leaves you speechless, then back for a lovely supper  -  I’m part of the family now so catering was a joint effort so I’m feeling really at home!  A super time.

The regular events of the week, CC Bible Study, Torah Study, Erev Shabbat have all been good.  Besides those happenings, quite a bit of my time has been prepation for the first meeting of the Academic Planning Committee which will be on Sunday afternoon.   Prayers please for that folks,  the Chair of the Board is joining us on Skype from  Canada.   Then we have a staff meeting on Monday morning.  

SATURDAY 15th   Having had a beautiful  time of spirituality, prayer and fellowship this week (oh, and work), I am now enjoying my Sabbath rest, doing something I’ve longed to do which is to bring my blog up to date but have lacked time, technology and energy to do.  So here I am, wrapped in that divine blanket of peace, listening to favourite music like The Fragance of Christ, Avenu Melkeinu, Le col ish yesh shem, Kineret, and much more, often  remembering but always looking forward to all that is to come, certain that :

You are with us in our prayers, our love and our doubts,

in our longing to feel Your Presence and do Your will.

You are the still clear voice within us.

Therefore, O God, when doubt troubles us,

when anxiety makes us tremble,

when pain clouds the mind,

we look inward for the answer to our prayers.

There may we find You,

and there find courage, insight and endurance.

And let our worship bring us closer to one another,

that all Israel, and all who seek You,

may find new strength for Your service.

Baruch ata, Adonai, HaMelech hakadosh

Praised are You, Adonai, Holy Sovereign.

  From  Mishkan T’filah – A Reform Siddur
Don't forget to visit the Bat Kol website,,  for full details of  Bamidbar (the Book of Numbers) this July's course - its not too late to apply and it is unique, and inspirational. Also visit the BatKol Institute page on  Facebook.   If you would like any information from me about Bat Kol, about the course, or how it was for me last July, please email:





Sunday, 2 February 2014


This had to be a special day - starting at 8 a.m. to go to Christ Church for their 9.30 Holy Communion.   I know that sounds a bit early  but I needed to be certain of getting there in time and expected a big congregation - so better to have too much time than be late!   In fact I arrived in time to have breakfast in the Christ Church guest house, and be in church in plenty of time.   This was good because as the beginning of the service got nearer, and in fact the start 
time passed without worship beginning, more chairs were being brought  in - it was definitely a full house!   And why?   Canon Andrew White, Vicar of Baghdad, was the preacher - and what a preacher!  He took us back 150 years ago this week, when a group from the congregation of Christ Church set out for Baghdad to found the church which is now Andrew's church.   He talked about the risks they took, and the risks he and his team take, and the risks we all need to take when God calls.   He preached with enormous energy and  with episodes of humour - here is a man who is suffering from multiple sclerosis but is being empowered to overcome it.   Absolutely amazing!   He will be back in May when the church is hosting an event with many coming other areas of the Middle East - praise the Lord I shall be back in time for that.   To find out more about Andrew and his ministry, just Google him and you'll be surprised at all that he and  his congregation of 6.500 accomplish!  

Andrew is in Jerusalem to prepare for a meeting next week between faith leaders from Rabbis, Ayatollahs and Priests.   With God in their midst, only good can come out of this, but he was prayed for that all will be well.   Besides his parish ministry,  he also works in reconciliation and interfaith areas.  When we were leaving, Andrew asked where I was from, and of course immediately I said WSM he reminded me of his work with Bishop Peter Price and I recall Bishop Peter talking about the work they had done together in Baghdad.  

It was an altogether  beautiful service.  Because today was the celebration of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, we used a specially chosen liturgy starting with the Psalms of Ascent which Mary and Joseph, as faithful Jews, would have sung or said as they journeyed to the Temple. The music was great - some in Hebrew but mostly in English - some of my favourites: Purify my heart, The Communion Song, To God by the glory, You are beautiful, so many other familiar  worship songs. . 

Then it was out to the courtyard for coffee, where I spent time with a number of different people
hearing their stories, some were on short visits, others were 'called', others were regular local congregation members.   Two of the latter were Ava and her stepdaughter, Beatrice..   They invited me to have lunch with them at Christ Church and then we went to a large market area and finally to the Clal Building in Jaffa Road.  This is the building where the King of Kings church meets at 5 p.m. on Sunday, and during the week for other events also. 
The Clal building is a huge complex of small shops and eating places, lots of offices and a church called King of Kings  which meets in a large  theatre.   The songs were modern Hebrew ones.  We also sang the Shema.

The preacher, who was also the founder of the church,preached on this weeks Parashat portion.

The Lord's Supper had no liturgy but was passed around by various stewards after the sermon, using already broken matzos and small individual cups of wine. 
Their calling is:

To be a compelling, Messiah centered
disciple making community,
revealing the true face of Yeshua
to Israel and the nations.

Core values are:
Centrality in Yeshua, the Lord of our faith,
lives and ministry.   

We left before the end of the service because Ava wanted to attend the Christ Church 7 p.m. service.   I got dropped off at the turning for the Ratisbonne.

An amazing day filled with worship and fellowship.   

Saturday, 1 February 2014


I'm sorry almost a week has gone since I last updated,  the week has been very good but without good Wifi, so I gave up and decided to do a big catch-up when I returned.   So here goes!

On Monday, I was in the office mailing out minutes, and doing other administrative stuff.

On Tuesday, I left Jerusalem behind to go to the Galilee to attend a seminar on a most fantastic Bible study computer programme!  The seminar was led by Roy and Helen Brown, the originators of the programme which is called Accordance 10 - just Google and you will find it.   The programme is suitable for people who want to study the Bible from the very beginner stage right through to Hebrew, Greek, ancient documents which are difficult to find, etc., etc.    It is used by university professors as well as students and congregation members.   What makes it so exceptional is that it is multilayered, easy to use, and provides instant results.  All the major commentaries, writers and so on are included as well as maps, photographs, timeline, and so much more.   I was totally impressed and would recommend it;   the  basic programme can be purchased and then extended according to requirements.   It appealed to me that their latest addition is ALL the writings of Deitrich Bonhoffeur - wow!  Anyway that's the classroom stuff, and very good too.

I stayed at a CMJ retreat house, Be'it Bracha, at Migdal.  Overlooking the Sea of Galilee it was so full of G-d's peace, just beyond this time and place.   It's staffed by a management team, Ted and Linda, and lots of volunteers, mainly young people but some older ones too, from all around the world.   You're getting the picture now, aren't you, it's heavenly!  To top it off, all the people who were staying, and I guess most who ever stay, were people of faith, several of whom were called to come to Israel.   One family, with five boys, come regularly from America to minister, to evangelize mainly  to the Jews.   Having just flown in the night I met them,  they stayed only one night and then moved on to the village in which they would minister,  to look at five potential houses/apartments to decide immediately which one to move into   One son was still in the States at college, the others travel with their parents.    

The day  at Be'it Bracha begins  with a reading and prayer in the dining room at 8 a.m.  at the start of breakfast so all eat together.  On Thursday, when I had a free day, I was also  invited to Devotions at around 10 a.m.   Worship was a combination of English and Hebrew worship songs, followed by a reading from Ruth 1 and from Joshua 14. This was led to a reflection from a man named Andrew who spoke about the commitment, faithfulness and determination of Ruth and Caleb.   Andrew was accompanied by an older man named Tony, both live in Israel now and both were on a mission to the Druze.  This could be quite a dangerous ministry.

'The Druze community in Israel is officially recognized as a separate religious entity with its own courts (with jurisdiction in matters of personal status - marriage, divorce, maintenance and adoption) and spiritual leadership. Their culture is Arab and their language Arabic but they opted against mainstream Arab nationalism in 1948 and have since served (first as volunteers, later within the draft system) in the Israel Defense Forces and the Border Police.
Worldwide there are probably about one million Druze living mainly in Syria and Lebanon, with 104,000 in Israel, including about 18,000 in the Golan (which came under Israeli rule in 1967) and several thousands who emigrated to Europe and North and South America.
The Druze community in Israel has a special standing among the country's minority groups, and members of the community have attained high-level positions in the political, public and military spheres.'    The Druze by Dr Naim Aridi from The Jewish Virtual Library  

Much more about the Druze  and their faith has been written by Dr Naim Aridis and is  available in The Jewish Virtual Library so if you want to know more, please visit there.  

Besides Andrew's message which I felt was particularly pertinent to me, the reason I write about him is that he had a  recognisable UK west country accent, and when I spoke with him afterwards, he told me he was originally from Henlade, east of Taunton, and has been in Israel for about 20 years, having prayed for Israel for some  years before.  Andrew was accompanied by an older man, Tony, who  spoke also of his divine calling to sell up and move from the UK to The Land.   They now live in neighbouring villages and share in this ministry to the Druze.   Another true divine calling to be here, a calling which they faithfully obeyed.  

All this and the Sea of Galilee, and then Tabgha the site of the miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes.   

At one point, sitting on a rock, right on the shore of the sea, surrounded by peace and the haunting sound of a recorder being played close by, the sound echoing around,  how I felt  the player must have had some special  connection as he gently played Amazing Grace, How great Thou art, Ave Maria and Memories!   If you know me well, you will perhaps understand what a special time that was........  

Then back to Jerusalem on Friday for Erev Shabbat but too late for synagogue.

As I write this, Shabbat has ended, time has been spent with G-d not just because it's commanded but because it's good, it draws us closer to G-d, enables us to put all else aside and be with Him, and so we  are renewed for another week.   As  I end this post with a prayer of thanks for Shabbat from the Mishkan T'fillah (A Reform Siddur) the city traffic has stared up again and people are going out to celebrate the start of a new week.

We give thanks to You, O G-d, for this Shabbat day,
which unites us as a community of faith and hope.
For the holiness of Shabbat, which can lead us to fulfill
the best that is in us, we give thanks. 
For the memories of Shabbat, enriched by generations of our people
who observed it and from it drew courage to face hardship,
and light to banish darkness, we are grateful. 
We offer thanks for the peace of Shabbat, 
the day consecrated to family love. 
O G-d, our turning to You exalts our humanity.
You are the joy of our life, 
the Source of its greatness, its power and its beauty.
Help us O G-d, to find inspiration for the coming week;
help us to find peace within ourselves and one another. 

Watch out for tomorrow's post, there will be something special from morning worship.