Wednesday, 31 July 2013



Another early start in order to have breakfast with Maureena at 7 a.m. to talk about some last minute thoughts before leaving.  

Final packing of my stuff and then helping Marge and Kasia to take the Bat Kol stuff to the van which was to take them to Ein Kerem for the meetings which would take place during the week.

Our shuttle taxi was right on time at 11.45 a.m. and Vid and I were first to be picked up, then a trip around Jerusalem to collect another six or seven people.   When we reached the airport I was the only one for Terminal 1, so a quick farewell to Vid, and I was on my own with two very heavy pieces of luggage!   Found the trolleys and went for lunch before the long check-in process, following which we were taken by shuttle to Terminal 3 ready for departure.   One plane journey, two coach trips and I was back in Bristol about 1.15 a.m., very pleased to see Jeremy and to be delivered safely back home.  

What an adventure!   Watch this space for future notes from the course, and news of outcomes.  Meanwhile I would value your prayers that I will go forward from this experience according to God's plan.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are home safe and well. Enjoyed this blog and will continue to look in now and again! God's not finished with you yet Gill and I am sure he will lead you accordingly like he always does.

    Remember this quote by mother Teresa
    Spread God's love wherever you go and let no one ever come to you without leaving happier!
