Wednesday, 31 July 2013



This is it!   The last day, the Graduation Ceremony, celebratory dinner and then .......

I had planned to go with Harold to Holy Communion at the Cathedral at 8 a.m. but on reflection decided to stay at St Charles for Mass with the Sisters, and with Vid as Celebrant.   It was the first time I had been to the Chapel there and it was a beautiful place.   I still don't know how so few Sisters can sing so beautifully, each evening when they sing grace they do it superbly and the chapel seemed to enhance their voices even more.   The whole Mass was in German, and lasted an hour but I was glad to be there.

Afterwards there was clearing up to be done as Bat Kol prepared to move all their equipment out and leave St Charles as they had found it.  

One final session in the classroom to reflect on what we would be taking away from our studies and what plans we had, what difference this would make to us - we couldn't fail to be changed by our time together.   I shall share my plans as I write more and do presentations.

So we came to the time for the Graduation Ceremony, and I felt now was the second occasion during my time here when it was necessary to put on clerical blouse and collar (the other time was for the Renewal of Baptismal vows).   We had a minibus to take us to the Old City where the Ceremony was to be held in Ecce Homo, a beautiful convent on the Via Dolorosa, where one of the Stations of the Cross is inside the building. Some of the first photos on this blog were taken at Ecce Homo on my first day in the Old City.   We were made very welcome and Sister Rita took us on a guided tour of the whole building, including the cavernous spaces and cisterns beneath.

The Graduation Ceremony was held in the Basilica, such an amazing place, present were several members of the Board of Bat Kol, some of whom were from Canada and who would also be attending Bat Kol Board meetings later in the week,  and some of  the Sisters of Sion joined us also.    There was a short rehearsal before, and then such a lovely service, a spine tingling 'sending out' address from Maureena, and as we each received our Certificates from her, we were asked to respond  'We will hear and we will do'   A huge commitment not to be taken lightly!    Much to think about.

Then dinner, followed by desert and coffee in another room so that we could watch a Bat Kol Powerpoint to celebrate the 30th Anniversary.   All too soon it was the end .......  or the beginning?  

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